With recent advancements in energy efficiency, many Sacramento homeowners are gearing up to replace their old roofs with cool ones. After all, the bills racked up by an average Sacramento home due to cooling expenses are no joke. The heat can make homes feel like a sauna even with overworked ACs doing their best to cool interiors.

If you are still hesitant about switching to a cool roof or worried about what it would mean for you and your home, here are some insider info on cool roofs straight from an expert Sacramento roofing contractor:
  • Cool roofs can reduce your home’s cooling energy consumption by as much as 50%.
Depending on your home’s overall design, climate, and geography, a cool roof can reduce your home’s cooling bills by as much as 50%. Why? With a cooler roof, your home will stay cooler and more comfortable; reducing the need to use your AC for longer periods.
  • Cool roofs can prolong the service life of your cooling equipment.
Are you worried that your AC won’t last long? Or have you had to pay for AC repairs frequently? Cool roofs keep heat from getting absorbed into your home, resulting in cooler and more comfortable interiors. This way, you can reduce AC use and prevent overworking the machine which leads to more repairs.
  • Cool roofs help you score rebates on tax and utilities.
If you want to make the most of your cool roof investment, you can apply for tax credits. In 2011, tax credits for homeowners who have cool roofs installed on their homes amounted to $500 or 10% of the cost of roofing materials. But the benefits don’t stop there. You can even score monthly discounts on your utilities bills. Just check with your local utility companies about rebates offered for homeowners with cool roofs. You just might see another 10% to 15% discount on your cooling bills.

For more information on cool roofs and how it can benefit you and your home, talk to an expert Sacramento roofing contractor today. A local contractor can also enlighten you on current California regulations regarding cool roofs.

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